Top 100 Colleges For A Career in Emergency Response

The firefighting profession cannot be compared to other day-to-day professions because their work is on a whole different level. Fire service professionals do so much to help keep our communities and people safe. For example, they fight flames, take care of gunfire, and risk their lives by pulling people at risk out of danger zones. Firefighters are able to work under high-stress conditions at all times, and most are well-equipped with knowledge and the ability to perform first response on a need-basis.

In order to become a professional firefighter, hopefuls must not only stay physically fit, they must also undergo extensive formal training and education from an accredited institution to ensure that they are familiar with all the different work methods and are able to work on duty efficiently and safely.

There are a plethora of colleges that offer emergency response and firefighting programs, but only a handful have really concentrated classes dedicated to properly training prospective firefighters and teaching them the differences between life and death. Researching colleges can be an exhaustive task and to help make things easier for you, we have gone ahead and reviewed approximately 2,500 institutions that offer fire science degree programs meeting the following criteria:

  • United States colleges
  • Fully-accredited institutions
  • Public and private schools
  • Two-year and four-year colleges

After reviewing these colleges and universities, we compiled the top 100 colleges and universities that have the most competitive and elaborative emergency management and first response programs than the others in the United States. By attending one of the best colleges in the fire science field, you will be most prepared for working in dangerous situations and saving lives, while staying calm and safe. Many of these colleges are also recognized by employers, which will work to your advantage when your time to search for jobs comes around. Feel free to browse through this user-friendly list to see which school will best suit your career goals.

Rank Name Total Enrollment No. Of Programs Level City State
1 American Public University System 88,029 17 4 Year Charles Town West Virginia
2 Glendale Community College 32,962 16 2 Year Glendale Arizona
3 Madonna University 6,383 17 4 Year Livonia Michigan
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